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Monday, June 29, 2009

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is often thought of exotic and is found in many cosmetic bases and products; however, despite usually being a fractionated oil for aromatherapy use, coconut oil does have some therapeutic use in massage, mainly as a carrier oil, either for use on its on or with the addition of essential oils. It is good for softening the skin and soothing it too. It has been used in Ayuverdic medicine for hair loss, burns and heart problems.
Coconut oil comes from the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera), a palm tree which is found growing wild on tropical coastlines and beaches in many countries. It is the fruit of the coconut tree which is of value for therapeutic practice, although the leaves and trunk of the coconut tree do have other values too.

Some interesting facts about coconut oil -

- Coconut oil is often found in hair products as it moisturizes dry hair

- Coconut oil is used by women, for their hair, in tropical countries from an early age and seems to prevent both baldness and graying!

- Coconut oil aids tanning, and should be used with care by those with sensitive skin, as the sun's rays are not blocked by coconut oil.

For more information on coconut oil read the uses of the coconut tree...

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