Essential oils can help allieviate some of the pain associated with menstrual cramps but it is important to find a combination of essential oils which suit you.
Some general suggestions for essential oils which can help with menstrual cramps include:
- peppermint
- clary sage
- geranium
- cypress
- roman chamomile
- rosemary
- pine
- basil
- aniseed
- juniper
- sweet marjoram
- fennel.
One particular blend of essential oils which I find useful for relieving menstrual cramps is:
blended together in apricot kernel carrier oil. As I've said in a previous post, the carrier oil is just as important in some instances as the essential oil. I use apricot kernel oil in a lot of blends for pain relief but there are other carrier oils too which could be used. I will be posting carrier oil profiles over the coming months, so keep reading, and like I've profiled many essential oils over the past year, I eventually hope to have a 'library' of carrier oil profiles too!
If you have any suggestions of your own for using essential oils for menstrual cramps please post me a comment and let me know!
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