This past week, I've been reading a lot about "writer's envy" on the writers' networks and blogs. And I thought this concept could in fact apply to almost anything - including the aromatherapy world. If you are a practising aromatherapist, you will know that it can be a bit of a lonely road. So social networks, such as facebook and twitter, plus aromatherapy forums, can not only help to keep you in touch with the outside world - but connect you with other aromatherapists in your fields.
However, not only do these social networks enable you to network with other aromatherapists, they also give you an insight into how and what other aromatherapists are doing. Are they more successful than you? And if so, do you find this a threat or an inspiration?
I network with other aromatherapists from around the world, so I don't consider anybody an "immediate" threat - after all, how can an aromatherapist who lives in Australia, England or even the other side of the United States be a siginificant "threat" to my aromatherapy business? And even if I make a local contact, isn't it better to have some support in your field? Different people have different ideas and ways of viewing things, so its quite likely that another aromatherapist is not going to be offering the "exact" same services and products as you.
Personally, I am thankful for my social network of both writers and aromatherapists who help keep me "sane" and understand what I do on a daily basis. Although family and friends are supportive, unless they have a real passion and interest in your particular line of work, it can be difficult for them to fully understand and appreciate your skills.
My social network of aromatherapists has put me in touch with more experienced aromatherapists and kept me in touch with past contacts who I believe I can learn much more from in my work. Ideas and inspiration come from a number of places, so you never know who might be that next important aromatherapy "connection" in your life. I am sure that without my social network, I woudn't be where I am today and looking forward to the future with new ideas and plans for my aromatherapy business :)
If you want to network with me you can find me on
facebook or follow me on twitter @girlychat. I hope to see you there for some aromatherapy support and inspiration! :)